26 February 2023

#26 - The Medium

I saw a woman talking to the dead,
performing séances in bus stop queues. 
She told me all my troubles lay ahead:

that every fund in black would soon be red,
and every win would soon become a lose. 
I saw a woman talking to the dead.

Her twisting hand alighted on my head, 
her palm pressed hard enough to leave a bruise. 
She told me all my troubles lay ahead

that every ray of hope would shift to dread,
all hospitality would be abused. 
I saw a woman talking to the dead.

I did not wish to follow where she led; 
her bleak catastrophising was a ruse. 
She told me all my troubles lay ahead. 

The tarot cards, decisive in their spread: 
she loved to be the bearer of bad news. 
I saw a woman talking to the dead; 
she told me all my troubles lay ahead. 


Image via unsplash.com 

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