02 February 2025

#2 - RED

This year, I decided to use the colours in a traditional rainbow as the inspiration for my seven sonnets. While I am aware that spectral light is more complicated than ROY G BIV, I think focusing on these seven will yield some interesting ideas for poetry. This is the first poem, and I think the colour chosen is obvious.   

Red Sky At Night

The prism splits a humble beam of light, 
and colours manifest like sorcery.
The streak of scarlet, clotting, bold and bright,
as potent as the raging, wine-dark sea. 

Our past, in ochre, painted at Lascaux
or cartoon-hearted oaths to prove our thirst;
the Rayleigh scattering of skies aglow
delighting shepherds as their flocks disperse.

The gore that blooms from every slasher flick;
the thrill of claret spilled to seal the deal.
A Rothko reimagined with a click:
invention wrought in vivid cochineal. 

A shade that blossoms, bloody, from the air,
she takes the idle viewer unawares. 


Image via unsplash.com

01 February 2025

#1 - Seven Ages: Infant

 This year I shall be taking as my inspiration the 'Seven Ages of Man' speech from Shakespeare's As You Like It. You can find that here.


expectant, trepidatious, on we go:

a blooded, squalling babe, a bag of needs.

a home, a crib, a blanket, frequent feeds;

a family to shield us as we grow –

to clean our shit and teach us all they know;

applauding each new victory, and deeds

of escalating wonder; joy that breeds

a freedom bearing out Jean-Jacques Rousseau.


this isn’t my own recollection here –

but parenthood has given me mementoes,

and watching my own infants grow is fuel

to re-evaluate my early years:

a curious, stumbling journey which crescendoes 

with smiles and hopeful airs – first day of school.