24 February 2023

#24 - Leeds City Station

...I recently spent several happy hours on Leeds station as every train in Yorkshire was delayed or cancelled as a result of Storm Otto...

I sometimes think my train will never come

a metaphor for how this life proceeds ‒

but staring at the lights is just such fun

An infinite and slow convergent sum

that telescopes a trail of hopes and needs

I sometimes think my train will never come

Interminable, the hours have begun

to grind the joy that optimism breeds

but staring at the lights is just such fun

The tracks roll on, the credits run and run

a hamster’s wheel of drama and misdeeds

I sometimes think my train will never come

The numbers whirl into a constant hum

as once again my terminus recedes

but staring at the lights is just such fun

Departure boards that dazzle like the sun

illuminate those fading hours in Leeds

I sometimes think my train will never come

but staring at the lights is just such fun


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