05 February 2023

#5 - Monstrous


Surround yourself with hearts of love and glee,

don't squander precious time on those that frown,

or those that make a crappy cup of tea.

That's pretty simple, right? A basic plea.

I feel I shouldn't have to write this down:

“Surround yourself with hearts of love and glee”

should be a thing you learnt on mother's knee

before you reach the lessons more profound;

and “Don't accept a crappy cup of tea”?

that should be simpler still, it seems to me –

as English as a quiet market town

where English folk (devoid of love and glee)

read Rupert Brooke and sunbathe by the sea,

and fly their flags at every passing crown,

fill empty souls with endless cups of tea.

Oh gods – now I’m conflicted. Could I be

condemned to live among these clowns,

forever seeking hearts of love and glee,

surrounded by their crappy cups of tea?



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